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Real-Time Streaming Quotes

Our real-time streaming quotes enable customers to have unlimited access to the latest financial information, data, research materials, etc.


Megahub PowerTicker (Web Version 2.0 + Mobile)

HK User - a monthly fee of HK$450

Mainland China User* - a monthly fee of HK$350

System Requirement

1.6GHz CPU or higher
2GB RAM (768MB RAM Storage)
Microsoft Windows XP/VISTA/7
1GB harddisk or higher
VGA Display or higher
Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher;

Megahub PowerTicker (Web Version) Press here to login

Users who subscribed Megahub PowerTicker (Web + Mobile) can enjoy free real time stock quote service through MagicTrader Mobile (iOS/ Android version) with the same login account. Users cannot login more than one platform at the same time.


Megahub PowerTicker (Web Pro version + Mobile) 

A monthly fee of HK$720

System Requirement for PowerTicker web version

Dual Core CPU 2.0GHz or above with at least 2GB RAM (1GB free space)
At least 1 GB free space on hard disk
Operating System: Chinese or English Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7, Mac OS 10.10.2 or above
Suggested Browser: Internet Explorer 8.0 or above, Firefox 38.0.1 or above, Safari 5.1.7 or above
3MB Broadband with TCP port 80, 443 ready for connection
Sun Java JRE version 8 update 45 or above
Service is optimized for Internet Explorer 8.0 or above and is best viewed with resolution of 1280 x 1024.

System Requirement for MagicTrader mobile

For iOS:
Minimum hardware requirements: iPhone 4, iPod Touch (4th Generation), iPad 2
iOS requirement: iOS 6 or above
iPhone / iPod screen resolution: support 960×640 px and 1136×640 px only
iPhone 5's 4-inch screen will be supported but blank space may appear in lower area and no additional UI & data field will be inserted
Support iPad screen in "2X"mode only

For Android:
Most of Android phones produced by popular manufacturers (e.g. HTC, Samsung, LG, Motorola and Sony, etc.) with screen size ranging from 3.5 to 5.3 will be supported
Android OS: 2.3.3 or above (excluding version 3 series)
Android screen resolution: best viewed in 800×480 px (e.g. Galaxy S2), support 854×480 px (e.g. Sony Xperia U), 1280×720 px (e.g. Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S3), 1280×800 px (e.g. Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note 2)
Compatibility issue may occur if mobile device manufacturer's proprietary user interface or proprietary third parties apps are installed
For Android Tablet device, the app will run in zoom-to-fit mode. Compatibility issues (crash, login fails & force close) may occur

To login PowerTicker  Press here to login

To download MagicTrader (iOS) Press here to download

To download MegicTrader (Android) Press here to download

Supported Languages
Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, English
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